Rehab journeys

Sadly, many people in Scotland have problems with drug and alcohol use – so you are not alone. You can find out more below about what a typical publicly-funded journey into residential rehab looks like, and read some stories from people who have gone through recovery themselves. first-hand.

Typical Rehab Journey

This is a typical journey for someone seeking public funding for their placement.

Is Residential Rehab right for you?

Identify that Residential Rehab is right for you. Use tools such as the our Rehab services finder and speak to your loved ones about your options.


Begin your journey

Reach out to your local Alcohol and Drug Partnership (ADP) or social worker and discuss Residential Rehab. Begin your journey with your local Residential Rehab.

Admission criteria for Residential Rehab

Your local Alcohol and Drug Partnership (ADP) will facilitate a specialist assessment of your substance use. This is an assessment to establish that you meet the admission criteria for Residential Rehab in your area. This is an important step – without this assessment taking place you may not be able to access funding for your treatment.


Your recovery plan

A recovery plan will be developed and agreed with you (and carer where appropriate) and relevant members of a multi-disciplinary team. Discussion of options for your placement and plans for detoxification, preparation for rehabilitation, a programme of rehabilitation, and after care planning will be considered. It is at this stage that funding for your rehabilitation placement will be approved by the ADP.


Applying for an appropriate rehabilitation programme

The next stage will be the submitting of an application and being accepted at an appropriate rehabilitation programme – this usually involves a visit and, in some cases, further assessment.

Admission to residential rehab provider

A structured preparation will then take place followed by admission to your chosen residential rehabilitation programme.

When you are in residence, the rehabilitation provider will carry out a regular review of your progress and start to develop your after care plan to help you settle back into day-to-day life. Your aftercare will be delivered by the service, or will be community-based, rehab-specific, aftercare delivered in partnership with your ADP.


If you do not wish to seek public funding for your residential rehabilitation placement you can contact your chosen provider directly.

However, please be aware that long-term treatment in Residential Rehab can be expensive, and there is funding from the Scottish Government available to help you.

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