Laura's Story

My Personal Experience At Rainbow House

My life before coming into Rainbow House was complete chaos. It centred solely around drink to the detriment of my whole family but most of all to my Son and Daughter. To be truthful it affected anyone who came into my orbit. I was like a Tornado ripping through anyone’s life who came into contact with me, caring for no one but myself. I was full of self pity and everyone else was to blame for my circumstance.

Things got even worse at the beginning of co-vid when I lost my Mum and Dad within six months of each other. My son and Daughter seen how much I was declining. They were at a loss as to what to do. My daughter took videos of me with hundreds of bottles and cans around me. I was lying comotosed. All she got for that was a mouthful of abuse.

While I was lying in a stupor oblivious to the world my family were fighting to get me a place in Rainbow House. My care manager was rubbish so they had to go over his head and really fight to get me funding and a place in Rainbow House. Thankfully in the end they were successful.

I got my date to come into Rainbow House on my Mums one year anniversary, to me this was like a sign from my wee Ma and Da to tell me this was my time it was now or never. I was a complete bag of nerves on the day. When I got there the staff were really welcoming and put me at ease they were brilliant at helping me settle in.

I began a 12 week structured programme based on C.B.T this taught me how to challenge my thoughts and beliefs and behaviours. The structure was made up of groups that consisted of a feelings check in the morning and then 2 main groups a group or walk in the afternoon.

The groups were amazing for me this is when the scales fell from my eyes and all the pennies started to drop. I realised then the damage I had done not just to myself but everyone around me. I began to learn all about myself and what I am suffering from. This was really emotional and tough because I started to feel all the feelings and emotions I had supressed for years. I also had a keyworker who I could really open up to about all my more intense thoughts and feelings. But all the staff were available at any time to talk too. Coming into Rainbow House was the best thing that ever happened to me and I honestly believe I would not be alive today if I did not get the opportunity. It has definitely saved my life.

I have now been sober for 2 and a half years and it has been the best time of my life. I have an amazing relationship with my family especially my Son and daughter. I have been a Volunteer at Rainbow House now for over 2yrs which I love. It is amazing getting to know all the residents and passing on my experience and also learning from them.

I also am so grateful to all the staff here who helped get me through. I love them all to bits they are amazing.

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