Bethany Christian Centre (Bethany Christian Trust)

Service manager: David Biddulph

Address: 6 Casselbank Street, Leith, EH6 5HA

Email: - Call: 0131 454 3125

Website: - site will open in a new window

Services available

  • Family support
  • Aftercare provision
  • Group therapy

Bethany Christian Centre is a dry supported residential community for men who are homeless, providing assistance to individuals in their recovery from addiction.

We provide access to a recovery programme including structured group work, one to one support, recreation, voluntary work and training opportunities.

The programme is for men who are motivated to address the underlying issues and work to address the underlying issues and work towards setting firm foundations that allow for eventually moving on in a positive way.

The Centre is registered as a Housing Support Service with the Care Inspectorate.

Admission criteria

  • Men aged 18 to 65.
  • Must be eligible for temporary accommodation to apply. This means that they should meet the City of Edinburgh Councils requirements for homelessness status.
  • Bethany Christian Centre has a complete abstinence approach which includes any substitute medication for opiate dependency such as methadone or buprenorphine.
  • Medications required to treat and stabilise mental health conditions are permitted.
  • Users of medication such as benzodiazepines, dihydrocodeine or other medications that are commonly abused, (with the exception of a reducing dose of Librium for the treatment of alcohol withdrawal) will not be permitted.
  • Residents are required to be 3 to 5 days abstinent prior to admission.
  • There is unfortunately no access for wheelchairs, but there are two ground floor rooms if these should be required and are available.

What model(s) of rehabilitation do you practise?

Our overall model of recovery approach is a holistic one, incorporating a broad range of responses that can adjust and flex to the individual’s needs and choices. In the language of addiction treatment and response, the holistic approach utilised is termed the biopsychosocial-spiritual model of addiction. Each aspect of a person’s life is considered within this approach, including the physical, psychological, social and spiritual components of an individual’s history, experience and aspirations for the future.  Interventions utilised are intended to effect improvement and benefit in each sphere of an individual’s life, and thereby provide the conditions for recovery from addictive behaviours and radically improve a person’s overall quality of life.

The interventions employed will include the following and will be delivered in both group and individual sessions.

  • Faith based
  • 12 Step Programme
  • Therapeutic Community
  • Peer support
  • Other:
    • Cognitive & Life Skills Development
    • Recreational programmes
    • Training and Education
    • Employment Preparation
    • Pyschosocial Interventions
    • Addiction Counselling
    • multi-disciplinary case management.

Do you have staff members with lived experience on your team?

Within our team we currently have the following with personal lived experience:

  • 46% of our staff have lived experience of addiction.

This ranges from staff members who were able to stop and get help from within their community to those who required residential help in order to overcome.

What are your considerations around religious beliefs?

As a faith-based organisation we appreciate the importance of faith in people’s lives. Whilst we offer a Christian recovery programme, we provide accommodation and support to people of any faith or none. Residents speak of an inclusive and welcoming environment and culture where faith expression is no barrier to support.

What level of family support is offered by your rehabilitation service?

Residents are able to have family visits to the unit although we can’t accommodate overnight stays for family.

We offer a night pass after 6 weeks and weekly passes after 12 weeks to allow for visits to family and friends should this be a safe environment.

Family can be involved in the support plan should the resident wish for this. We don’t have specific facilitation for therapeutic meetings between the resident and their families but can assist in being present in a meeting should the resident wish for this to happen. We have been able to spend time with some family members and give some support and signpost where necessary.

What funding models are available?

We are funded through housing benefit and block bed funding for temporary accommodation through City of Edinburgh Council. Residents also pay a service charge each week which pays for full board.

Disclaimer: The services listed in this directory are regulated by appropriate governing bodies, such as the Care Inspectorate, Healthcare Improvement Scotland or the NHS. The National Directory of Residential Rehab Services in Scotland is not responsible for the quality assurance information listed on these pages.


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