CrossReach's Beechwood House, Inverness

Service manager: Caroline Roberston

Address: Beechwood House, 71 Old Perth Road, Inverness, IV2 3JH

Email: - Call: 01463 711335

Website: - site will open in a new window

Services available

  • Family
  • Pre-rehab
  • Aftercare
  • Group

CrossReach is a leading, long-standing and well-respected provider of social care for over 12,000 people of all ages in Scotland who find themselves facing challenging circumstances. As the Social Care Council of the Church of Scotland our mission is to seek to support people to achieve the highest quality of life that they are capable of achieving at any one time, in Christ’s name.

As part of CrossReach, Beechwood House was set up in 1991 to offer a residential rehabilitation service based in and serving the Highlands. We aim to offer people a safe supportive environment where they can, through an individualised abstinence based recovery program, identify their own recovery goals and outcomes.

We believe that with the right support at the right time people can find the solutions they need to cope with the challenges they face.

We understand that the challenges people face are often multi-layered. We take care to work in a way which enables us to respond to the complexity of people’s lives. This will be respectful and inclusive of their own views and wishes, empowering them to build on their strengths and assets. To this aim we use the Outcome Star planning and monitoring tool to empower people to take control of their recovery and set their own outcomes within the structured programme on offer.

Admission criteria

  • We take a person-centred approach where we look at individual needs.
  • We offer a service primarily to those in the Highland area, but do also have limited capacity to accept referrals from other areas of Scotland.
  • We accept individuals over the age of 16 who are looking to achieve an abstinence-based life who are committed to and able to engage with a structured programme.
  • Where needed we expect people to have a medically supervised detox prior to admission, but can support a methadone detox.
  • We would treat each request for detox on merit so do not set a firm upper limit but expect an amount around 50mls on admission. This is overseen by that person’s GP or the Alcohol and Drug team nurse practitioners. We are however open to consideration on a case-by-case basis.

What model(s) of rehabilitation do you practise?

We encourage people to engage with mutual aid groups – be that 12 step or Self-Management and Recovery Training based groups – with an expectation that in addition to the structure program people attend two mutual aid meetings per week.

The Cognitive Behavioural Therapy-based programme is provided by a skilled and experienced team, including wakened night staff and Recovery Volunteers with lived experience, trained to complement the staff team and provide peer support and inspiration.

In addition to meeting with their keyworker a minimum of twice per week, there are between 8 and 12, varying across the different stages of program, structured groups over the week that are compulsory for individuals to attend. These are then supported by pre and post group work on an individual basis.

Individuals are also encouraged to explore community-based activities that will support their recovery, volunteering, training or education, and to partake in active and positive activities during the day.

Do you have staff members with lived experience on your team?

Our staff have a mix of skills and experience that complement each other including those with lived experience with their own substance use and recovery, and also those with lived experience of family members’ substance use.

What are your considerations around religious beliefs and dietary requirements?

As a faith based organisation we appreciate the importance of faith in people’s lives and offer support to people of any faith or none. We are able to respond to:

  • Any dietary requirements
  • Observance of religious practice
  • Attendance at religious services
  • Visits from spiritual and religious leaders

What funding models are available?

Funding is provided via the Highland Alcohol and Drug Partnership for the majority of places. To access these people must be referred via the Highland Recovery Pathway.

We also have a limited number of spaces available to other authorities or individuals – referrals for these are taken from health professionals or social workers or Prison to Rehab.  Funding needs to be agreed at the time of referral.

Disclaimer: The services listed in this directory are regulated by appropriate governing bodies, such as the Care Inspectorate, Healthcare Improvement Scotland or the NHS. The National Directory of Residential Rehab Services in Scotland is not responsible for the quality assurance information listed on these pages.


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