Website accessibility

This website accessibility page has been put together to provide information and guidance on features that may make this website easier to use, both on a desktop computer and a mobile device.

Change the font size on website pages

The website has been built to allow an increase of text up to 400% making visibility much easier.

However different browsers provide the ability to increase the size of fonts on a page, and guidance on this has been provided below for the main browsers:

  1. Chrome
    Click on the three vertical dots on the very top right of your screen to the side of the address bar. Next, select Settings, then Appearance. Make the changes that you want. Next to ‘Font size’, click the Down arrow. Then select the font size that you want. You can also change more font options by clicking Customise fonts.
  2. Microsoft Edge
    Click on the three horizontal dots on the very top right of your screen to the side of the address bar. Next, under Settings select Appearance. Scroll down to the Fonts section, and choose the desired font size.
  3. Safari
    Select View from the main navigation bar, and select Make Text Bigger or Make Text Smaller as required.
  4. Firefox
    Click on View in the main navigation bar, select Zoom, and select Zoom Text Only. Please note the Zoom In and Zoom Out alters the sizing of everything on a web page.
  5. If you use a wheel-mouse, you may be able to change the text size by holding down the Control or Command key and turning the wheel.

Make website pages available offline

There can be times when it is not possible to connect to the internet. However this doesn’t mean that the website content can’t be accessed when offline.

If you encounter a web page you know you would like to be accessible regardless of whether or not you are online, you can do this by following these instructions:

  • Click the cursor into the main body of the page, then right click.
  • Select “Save as”
  • In the “Save as type” dropdown, select “Web page, Single File (*.mhtml)”
  • Click “Save”

This page will now be saved on your hard drive, and you can open it whenever you like, even when you’re not online.

Skip to content

For users accessing websites using screenreaders, it can be very frustrating having to wait while the screenreader goes through every navigation element. For a first visit to a site this is worthwhile in order to understand the size and layout of a website, but on subsequent visits this may feel like a waste of time.

For this reason, a “Skip to content” link has been added into the page code before the navigation, a link that is only picked up by screenreaders. By clicking this link, the screenreader will then bypass the navigation, and link straight through to the main copy on the page.

Mobile accessibility features

These days mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets have built-in features that allow many users to access content on them even if they have a disability.

These features are generally located within a Settings > Accessibility area of the device, and should enable the device to:

  • Browse through the website
  • Provide a general summary of what is on a web page
  • Read the content of web pages out loud
  • Zoom in on a screen – this is generally done by pinching the screen, but there are alternative touchscreen gestures if this is difficult
  • Make the text larger
  • Change the font so it is clearer
  • Change the background colour and the font colour to a user’s preferred setting
  • Switch on subtitles on any video

Print-only format

If you would like to print any of the pages of this website they will be output in a more simplified layout than they appear online. This is done by removing all the images, colours, and certain styling elements.

Not only will this provide you with an easy-to-read page, but will also save on printer ink costs.

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