Website support

This support page is for anyone having trouble using the website. Residential rehabilitation service providers who are not already featured in the directory, or those who are but wish to change their details, can use this page to request that their service is added or changed.

This page is not intended to provide support for drugs and alcohol use – you can find further help and links to support services for this on the Rehab support page.

Rehabilitation providers – add a new directory listing

If you are a rehabilitation services provider in Scotland and would like your service to be added to the residential rehabilitation services directory please complete and submit the online form below.

Rehabilitation providers – amend an existing directory listing

If you are a rehabilitation service provider that’s already in the directory and you want to update any of the details previously provided, please submit your changes using the form below.

Experiencing an issue using this website?

If you are experiencing any issues with using the website, or simply can’t find what you are looking for, please complete submit the online form below.

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